Assessing how you can cope right now

What to do if you're not feeling OK

Please note that Healing Moon is not a service for mental health or medical emergencies. If you are not feeling well, please seek professional help and reassurance. Despite any feelings of hopelessness, there is help available right now, so please use the support line numbers below.

Things to Consider

  • Have you experienced anything similar before?

    If so, how did you support yourself in a way that was helpful?

  • Is there anything you can do to improve the situation in any way?

    For example, tiny steps that could be beneficial in the next few minutes, hours, and days? Such as reaching out to someone, distraction, self-kindness, and self-soothing.

  • Do you need or would you like assistance, support or advice?

    If so, which friends, neighbours or relatives can you contact? Are there professionals you can arrange to see or speak to? Please see below for available helplines.

Crisis Support

There is support available here (UK residents):

NHS Crisis Services

For Cheshire West and Chester Residents:

Non-emergency Well-being Ideas

Most people find making time for the following increases well-being and supports their resilience:

Creativity – connecting with art can improve your mood and increase your self-esteem. This can be through many different ways, from visiting galleries, to finding objects, making art, or taking a mindful walk and appreciating the environment.

Connect – with people around you (family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, community). Invest time in these connections.

Be active – go for a walk or run, step outside, dance or exercise. Find some physical activities you enjoy that are appropriate to your fitness and mobility level.

Take notice– be curious about the world around you. Take in and savour the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Be in the present moment.

Keep learning – try something new or reignite an old interest. Set a challenge that you will enjoy achieving. Learning new things is fun and helps to build confidence.

Give – do something kind for a friend or stranger. Volunteer your time. Thank someone. Seeing yourself and your happiness linked to a wider community helps to create meaningful connections with those around you.
